Please comment.
edit – 1851hrs
The current theme is called Divi. I’m not sure if I will keep it (fortunately it has a 30 day money back guarantee). Working with it is slow on the server. Customizing is a little odd.
I can’t figure out how to put a border between posts on the front page and I don’t like that. Post seem jumbled together.
No customization of the widget area so I will have to do that via code.
I may try Genesis Framework tomorrow.
Please post any alternatives you may have.
edit 29AUG, 1100hrs
Uninstalling DIVI, switching themes. Stand by.
Like it!
Not Bad but nowwhere good enough I say. You really should look at ******* stuff. I will ask for zsome ideas if you prefer.
Like it.
Cleaner look. Two thumbs up.
I think it’s OK , on my phone ATM . It does load faster.
Mobile theme is different than desktop.
Yes. Rather minimalist but nice.
Easier to read.Good one.
It’s a very clean looking theme. However, I’m an old guy and the pure white background makes it almost painful for me to view. For me, the white is “too bright”. I may be the only one with this problem.
Added black all the way around. Does that help?
Yes it does. Thanks!
Perhaps the navigation bar could have some colour, maybe black and white.
How about now?
Dislike on desktop. Follows the unfortunate trend of wasting space via needlessly large and featureless fonts. Drops useful reading guidelines / horizontal rules / separators. Can’t stand the huge useless title bar that eats twenty percent of vertical screen space and never gives back by hiding. (15% if we don’t count the navigation menu.)
Please explain “needlessly large and featureless fonts”.
Crisp and clean; looks good.
I use Nirvana from Cryout Creations. It might be a bit much for your need. They do have some pretty nice themes though.