“The Chrome team is delighted to announce the promotion of Chrome 50 to the stable channel for Windows, Mac and Linux.
Chrome 50.0.2661.75 contains a number of fixes and improvements — a list of changes is available in the log. Watch out for upcoming Chrome and Chromium blog posts about new features and big efforts delivered in 50…
This update includes 20 security fixes.”
Download or update from within the program.
ernonutting says
Using the work “Stable” in relation to Chrome, Edge or indeed Windows 10 as a whole seems a little unfortunate to say the least. About a week ago the operating System began to become more and more unstable until after a couple more days the whole system crashed and was completely unrecoverable.
I have used digital computers since the 1970’s and still have my original CPM licence for a compter called a NEWBRAIN! Nuff already.
Reluctantly I agreed to accept a Fresh Instalation with the “promise” that ALL my files would be preserved.
Horrifyingly a large numbert of Programs I had installed including e.g Snadboys Revelation and Blur etc etc were not re-installed. Why did Microsoft not warn me?