As I sat for 2 and 1/2 hours waiting for the local tire guys to put 2 new fracking tires on my wife’s car, reader Dave sent me the link to:
Ed Bott: When it comes to Windows 10 privacy, don’t trust amateur analysts
The article discusses the article I linked to Sunday. Some random dude took a stab at trying to figure out who/what Win10 was connecting to. Apparently that post has been deleted. I didn’t talk too much about it except to say I had made a similar attempt last September. I was hoping my readers would see that my results were almost totally opposite from his. I don’t know if anyone saw it or not.
Anyway, Ed completely dismantles this guys test and takes folks who were doing “I told you so’s” to task. I think Ed may have been a tad hard on the guy in the original post. He was just making an attempt at some Geekery. He didn’t ask for half the tech world to read it. The reporters sourcing the story deserve the blame for sensationalizing it. Ed does give it to them with both barrels.
Agree with him or not, it is a must read.
***UPDATE, 14:15hrs
The guy that Ed takes to task above has learned from Microsoft that:
Contacting me again a Microsoft spokesperson explained the company now wanted to speak about the issue. In short: Microsoft is taking action. It has decided to release updates “later this year” which will enable users to fully control all background telemetry and data tracking and, if desired, disable it completely. Microsoft also asked me to stress that disabling these background operations is something it would “strongly recommend against”.
My takeaway is that our incessant bitching to and about Microsoft on this issue has produced the second caving in by Microsoft in the last week. One button to shut it all down is what we asked for and it looks like we will get it.
Congrats to us!
Congrats to Microsoft!
My apologies for posting Gordon Kelly’s link yesterday. I should have listened to myself like the first time. I told him on Twitter his name was MUD and posted Ed Bott’s link. You can delete it as being too offensive here but I don’t care.
No worries Jack.