Well, it is Wednesday and there is some news. No guarantees after that…
Linux Malware
Well frack. There is a Linux Trojan that takes screenshots every 30 seconds and apparently Android 2-factor authentication has been pwned.
Et tu, Intel?
Intel’s Driver Update Utility has a security flaw. It has been fixed. Download it here.
Software Updates
Audacity 2.1.2 (download)
VirtualBox 5.0.14
Planet Nine
The stargazers at Caltech say they found a ninth planet. I’m still pissed they took Pluto away. That’s just wrong. Once you have a Disney character named after you there should be no take-backs.
Star Wars: Episode VIII delayed until December 2017
How to seal a bag of chips without a clip
Hi Eric, I’m glad to see your site is back in action. I just wanted to let you know that the link to download Intel’s Driver Update Utility take you to the Google Translate page. Other than that, keep up the great work as usual.
Fixed. Thanks!