Sorry for the lack of posts, downtime, and site being slow. I’m still looking for the right web host for this site.
Obviously Godaddy isn’t up to the task.
Thanks to folks who wrote in suggestions. The web host I choose needs to be big enough to have redundant servers (I would prefer those servers be on the East Coast U.S.A., Virginia if possible). The server should run on SSD’s and support should have live chat with folks who actually know WordPress AND SSL. Help should be available during migration. “Here, go read this article” that doesn’t really apply to my question isn’t support.
Duncan says
Eric, in my former life providing managed services, I had several clients use Network Solutions. I tended to have a good experience with them. That has been a few years now, so things may have changed. Might not hurt to check them out, though.
Tim says
If you want the best customer service, I would highly recommend ServInt.
Richard Saunderson says
I use for hosting a few WordPress sites. They are relatively small, and have responded quickly to requests for support. Very little downtime. Florida-based, I think, but not sure. To decentralize, all domain records are hosted at Network Solutions, and most directed to hostingmatters servers. Not so thrilled with the Net Sol support. To further decentralize, the main emails are directed to/hosted on Microsoft (Exchange 365).
Mark says
I’ve been a satisfied customer for a few years and they currently have three recommended WordPress Hosts: There is a good chance that one of them will meet your requirements.
Garrulous says
Hi. Been a long time reader of your site, though rarely comment.You could get a lot working for your WordPress with a nginx + apache + php setup. And on top of that, if you have memcached or something enabled, along with a decent CDN plan, like MaxCDN or Cloudflare, you should be fine with latency and uptime issues. Not aware of the daily page hits, but should be okay. Been using Dreamhost for almost a decade, and they do have SSD based plans all over. Could take a look at them. Not very sure how good they are with “support”. So far, just been doing whatever I needed to, cos they give ssh access and that’s been more than enough.
Kelly says
Looks like you got er worked out to your liking….
Eric (a.k.a. TweakHound) says
I hope so buddy.