It’s a holiday weekend here in U.S. Not much going on in the tech world.
iVerge SHOCKED that Microsoft Wants You To Use It’s New Browser
Microsoft steering Windows 10 users away from non-Microsoft browsers
“Microsoft is aggressively pushing its own Edge browser when you run a Bing search for another browser”
First question, Why the *%#$@ were they using Bing?
Force Friday or Farce Friday?
Force Friday was yesterday. It isn’t a fan thing like “May The Forth Be With You” or “Revenge of the Fifth“.
It is the kickoff to the merchandising onslaught that will accompany Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Earning estimates for JUST merchandise is at $5 BILLION. That is $5,000,000,000.
10 Cell Phone Life Hacks, For Better Reception (YouTube)
METALLICA “One” – 2 Girls 1 Harp (Harp Twins)
Mr. Robot Season 1 Ends
Ars Technica takes a peek at the Season 1 end to a show that currently sits at 95% on Rotten Tomatoes. Mr. Robot is truly a bizarre show and I like it.
How boring is this post??? Fell asleep trice trying to read it… And you want donations why….. AGAIN?