Over the last 2 days a number of sites have attempted to impress everyone with their Win10 knowledge by showing you the Remove-AppxPackage PackageFullName command as if they’ve somehow just discovered it.
First off, don’t any of these people know how to give others credit in their articles? Snagging an idea for an article is hardly plagiarism but still, would it kill them to give out a little credit? (And no I don’t mean to me, I mean to the post that started it all. See below.)
On one bored day I was playing with Windows 8 and Googling and stumbled across this article on Technet:
Removing Built-in Applications from Windows 8
That article is dated 25 October, 2012. Yeah, almost 3 years ago.
I then wrote a quick post about it called Uninstalling Metro Apps – Advanced on 04 November, 2013.
I wrote a quick post complete with warnings because I din’t feel like most folks should be messing with it.
I credited the article I found. Amazing I know :rolleyes:
Oh Good Grief