Q – Hi Eric I’m one of your long time readers and just thought i would let you know that UBCD4Win has be discontinued and just wondering if you had any new recommendations.
A – Yeah,the UBCD4Win was given up several years ago. I believe the creator had financial issues and sold the domain too.
You can grab the last image at Major Geeks: http://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/ubcd4win.html
As for an alternative, Hiren’s is good: http://www.hiren.info/pages/bootcd
If you are looking for something more modern you’ll have to manually create one.
Usually this involves creating a WinPE disk and can be quite involved. See:
Q – Hello i was following your tweak guide for windows 7 and when i got to the regedit tweak i noticed that some of the entries weren’t in that particular folder mentioned for example:
do i just add them as a string or dword or do i just leave it alone? i also dont have an entrie for the 8.3 names and last access.
any help would be highly appreciated thank you
A – Yes, some entries need to be created.
Download the file below, edit it as you see fit, change the file extension from .txt to .reg, double-click to apply, reboot.
Q – As I understand it, power saver can help you get the most from a single battery charge on a laptop. High performance maximizes screen brightness and might increase PC performance so this would be bet for a laptop that is plugged in 24/7? So when would I want to used Balanced if unplugged = power saver and plugged in = high performance?
Also, where do keep your slider bars for “Adjust plan brightness” for each plan?” I didn’t see it in the guide. Mine are all the way up for all three plans for both plugged in and battery. Don’t think they should be.
A – As I said in the Windows 8.1 Tweak Guide, “I use all 3 plans: High Perf on the desktop, Balanced on a laptop, and Power saver on the laptop while traveling.” You can adjust (and save) these plans as you see fit.
As to display brightness. This is personal preference (and will change with age). Obviously, the brighter the display the more you will consume power.
For laptop that is on battery power I would recommend.
High Perf: From the lowest comfortable setting to Max.
Balanced: the lowest comfortable setting.
Power Saver: the lowest usable setting.