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TweakHound - The Windows XP Security Center, page 2
Automatic Updates Unless you are a geek like me who knows when new updates are released, Automatic Updates are a good thing. I would suggest it be left on for most folks. To configure Automatic Updates in the Security Center double-click the Automatic Updates button at the bottom of the window.
- Automatic - The only option that lets you control exactly when Windows checks for updates, it does not however allow you to just download them without installing. If you choose this option make sure System Restore is turned on! - Download updates for me, but let me choose when to install them - No control over when Windows connects to the update site or when it downloads the updates. A little bit safer option. - Notify me but don't automatically download or install them - Personally I feel this is the best option as far as control over your computer and bandwidth goes, but, ONLY if you install the updates when they are available! - Turn off Automatic Updates - For geeks only! Further information is available from How to configure and use Automatic Updates in Windows XP.
Virus Protection If you have a anti-virus program that is detected by Windows then you'll have no control options in the Security Center. If you do not have an anti-virus program then you'll either have to live with the security warnings or disable the Security Center's monitoring of it. To do this from within the Security Center and in the Virus Protection section, double click on the Recommendations button.
Internet Options This button located towards the bottom of the Security Center relates to Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer has any number of security risks at any given time. For that reason I would suggest you stop using Internet Explorer and use a hot little browser called Firefox instead. You can read about and download Firefox HERE. If you do so you can ignore this button altogether. For those who insist on using IE, double-clicking the Internet Options button takes you to the following window. Programs that you have installed, namely some anti-virus and firewall programs, have already likely made changes here, be vary careful adjusting settings.
Quick Way To Adjust Security Center Alerts In the Security Center, on the left of the window is a section called Resources. Click on "Change the way Security Center alerts me". In the resulting window, choose your options.
What Those Security Center Icons Mean
Resources Manage Your Computer's Security Settings in One Place Understanding Windows Firewall Troubleshooting Windows Firewall in Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 How to configure and use Automatic Updates in Windows XP How to Disable Security Center Alerts Changes to Functionality in Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 Windows XP Security and Privacy
Comments? Suggestions? Rants? You can contact me at "etc" at this domain.
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