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Smb4k isn't necessary for browsing or accessing shares but it does make things a tad easier and offers more options (well, at least they are easier to get to) than using Konqueror. I won't do a lot of explaining here. I think you can figure it out from the screen shots. You can find SMB4K here: ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/misc/suser-guru/rpm/packages/Network/smb4k/
This first screen of SMB4K shows one of my Windows shares. And yes, I can access those "hidden" (cough...snork...gag) shares.
Check everything under Network Browser.
Shouldn't need to change anything here.
Shouldn't need to change anything here.
User and password should be EXACTLY same as it is on the Windows box.
Should already be set.
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